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Sustainability Leadership Team

Rebecca Taylor

Sustainability Lead & Class Teacher

Colleen Harding

Head Teacher

Harriet Glenn

Business Manager

Jane Laverack 

Deputy Head

Courtney Woodley

Science Lead and Class Teacher


Kevin Lowe

Maintenance Officer

Claire Deus


Latest News and Updates

Wednesday 13th November

We’re excited to announce that Sacred Heart School has introduced new recycling bins in all classrooms to help reduce waste and protect our planet! This initiative is part of our commitment to making our school more eco-friendly and teaching students the importance of recycling. Each classroom now has a new dedicated recyclable bin, and we encourage everyone to use them responsibly. Working together can make a positive impact and help create a cleaner, greener future. 

Friday 15th November

Mrs. Taylor is recruiting eco-conscious students for her Green Team, with posters around school inviting everyone to join the mission for a greener future!


Monday 15th December

Mrs. Taylor and Mrs Glenn announced their green team members!


Staff and Pupil Travel Survey

Our Green Team conducted a staff and pupil travel survey. They will now work together to explore ways to encourage children to make more sustainable travel choices.


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