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Maintained schools have a legal right to publish specific details. Please find below all those required documents. (according to the School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012-No.1124). If you would like to receive any of our school policies in paper, just contact the office and they will arrange this free of charge. 


Financial Transparency

Schools are responsible for a significant amount of public expenditure. Every year our financial data are published and are viewable by schools, and members of the public, on a national website. This can also be used to compare information between schools, locally & nationally. To view our financial information please visit :


It is a requirement that schools publish the number of employees on salaries of £100,000 or more – Sacred Heart has no employees with this criteria.


Click the link below to access our school's local offer



Statutory Policies


In Year Admissions and Appeals

Parents/carers wishing to transfer a child to Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School or those parents/carers who are new to the area, should in the first instance contact the Admissions Team at the Local Authority via the link below. The Admissions Team will then contact the preferred schools to assess place availability. As we are a Voluntary Aided School, the Governors’ Admissions Committee will be involved.

If successful, a letter will be sent out to parents/carers to offer a place for their child.  This will be done by the Local Authority.  Parents/carers will then be advised to contact school to determine a start date.  Following the offer of a place, parents have a set timescale to either accept or decline the offer.

Primary school admissions | warrington.gov.uk

School admission appeals | warrington.gov.uk

Admission Register - Live document

Attendance Register - Live document

Relationship and Sex Education


Register of Business Interests of Headteacher and Governors - Live Document

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