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Expected outcomes are set for each age phase and indicate what pupils are expected to know, remember and be able to do. Curriculum branches are how the programme of study presents its model curriculum.


There are six half-term branches, which are the same in each year group:

Autumn 1

Creation and Covenant - Encounter the God who creates and calls all people with a focus on the accounts of Creation.

 Autumn 2

Prophecy and Promise - Explore the expectant waiting for the Messiah through the Advent season.

Spring 1

 Galilee to Jerusalem - Experience the ministry of Jesus and the Word of God. They will learn through parables, encounters, miracles and teachings.

Spring 2

Desert to Garden - Study the season of Lent and its culmination in the events of Holy Week.

Summer 1

To the ends of the Earth - Study the events that flowed from the Resurrection and Ascension in the coming of the Holy Spirit and the work of the apostles and early Church.

 Summer 2

Dialogue and Encounter—Learn how Christians work together with people of different religious backgrounds, building an understanding that all people work towards a common good and should respect all humanity.


In EYFS, the children produce a large class floor book to present their work, rather than having individual books. Their work is also uploaded to Seesaw. 

Music at Sacred Heart 

Music plays an important part in the Catholic life of our school.  Music and our school musicians and singers enhance school assemblies, prayer and liturgy, Advent and Christmas services, school masses and Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart.

Meet our Subject Leader

Mrs Laverack has led RE since 2021

Meet our RE Ambassadors, Nathan and Gabby.

Click the videos below to see why our RE Ambassadors are passionate about their subject.


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