Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Behaviour Principles
Written Statement
September 2023
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School is committed to providing an environment where all people can feel safe, happy, accepted and included. We believe every pupil should be able to participate in all school activities in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from harm. This is the responsibility of every adult employed by, or invited to deliver services at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard all who access school and promote the welfare of all our pupils by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect and bullying.
It is important that an orderly environment exists within which effective learning and teaching can take place.
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School holds an important place in educating the young citizens of tomorrow so that they can take a positive and pro-active role within their community – now and in the future.
Governors’ Written Statement of Behaviour Principles
Under the Education and Inspections Act, 2006, the governing body is charged with the duty to set the framework of the school's policy by providing a written statement of general principles relating to behaviour and discipline, taking into account the needs of all pupils.
The purpose of this statement is to give guidance to the Head teacher in drawing up the behaviour and discipline policy by stating the principles which governors expect to be followed. The policy aims to underpin the governors’ duty of care to pupils and employees; promote teaching and learning and high standards of attainment and preserve the reputation of the school. The statement is available upon request from the school and can be found on the school’s web site. It is also held in the school office.
We, the Governing body of Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, believe that all members of our school community should be able to learn and achieve their full potential in a safe, secure and orderly environment. We value the strong relationships that exist throughout the school, which leads to the mutual respect that encourages good behaviour. We have high expectations of everyone and we will actively promote equality of value whether race, gender, age, sexuality, religion or disability. The behaviour policy is based on our belief in, and respect for, the value and contribution of all members of our community and their right to succeed. We seek to eliminate all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying.
The policy will be applied with consistency and fairness, with regard to each individual situation. The emphasis will be on encouraging positive behaviour through high expectations; a focus on learning; and praise and rewards. It is recognised however, that on occasions sanctions are necessary to demonstrate that misbehaviour is not acceptable; to express the disapproval of the school community and to deter other pupils from similar behaviour. Sanctions will enable the pupil to reflect on, and learn from, their behaviour and to make reparation wherever possible. Because of our focus on positive behaviours and the opportunities for pupils to learn from their mistakes, we expect lower than the national average rates of exclusion.
Some pupils, for example those with special educational needs, physical or mental health needs, and looked after pupils can experience particular difficulties with behaviour and the school will seek to ensure that such pupils receive behavioural support according to their need. However, when making decisions the school must balance the needs of the individual with those of the school community and where pupil behaviour places others at risk, the safety of the pupil body as a whole is paramount.
Given the importance of the safety of the pupil body, the Governing body support the right of the school to permanently exclude for a single offence where it is considered that allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school. Similarly, given the overriding need to keep children safe, the school will utilise their powers to search and to use reasonable force in order to keep individuals from harming, or further harming, themselves or others.
We work with parents and carers to understand their children and their circumstances and believe this relationship is an important part in building a strong learning community. Similarly, given our duty of care to the pupils, this written statement and the policies that both stem from it and are influenced by it (for example, appropriate contact, behaviour, anti-bullying and exclusions) applies to all pupils when in school, when travelling to and from school, and when engaged in extra-curricular activities such as educational trips and visits (residential and non-residential) and when being educated as a member of Sacred Heart off-site.
Pupils will be encouraged to develop:
Respect for the rights of others to be individual – respecting their feelings, opinions, cultures, differences, families, religions, gender, sexuality and abilities
Respect for themselves – developing a pride in their own achievements, high standards of behaviour and personal conduct and a desire to learn and produce their best work at all times
Respect for their environment – valuing their home, their school, their local community and the wider world
Respect for the future – gaining a belief that we can all make a difference by contributing to our school. local, national and global community
The school’s Behaviour and Discipline and Anti-Bullying Policies will:
Emphasise pupils taking responsibility for their own actions and promote self -discipline
Establish consistent expectations of pupils and staff
Promote a positive regard for authority
Encourage good behaviour and respect for others and prevent all forms of bullying
Foster a culture in which achievements are recognised and celebrated
Ensure staff are fair and consistent
Ensure that staff are supported in taking prompt and effective action when pupils behave inappropriately
Promote working in partnership with parents and external agencies to secure good behaviour
Roles and Responsibilities
The headteacher will:
Be responsible for ensuring the policy is implemented
Report to the Governing Body on its impact
Ensure staff receive appropriate training
Support pupils and staff in securing good behaviour
Ultimately, if all support fails and when procedures have been followed, will address the possibility of excluding a pupil
Teachers and support staff will:
Be consistent and fair
Not ignore persistent poor behaviour
Promote self-esteem and confidence as learners
Celebrate strengths and support children in over-coming weaknesses
Involve parents in securing good behaviour and attitudes
Follow the school’s policies
Make children aware that it is the behaviour that is unacceptable not the child
Help children make good choices and understand consequences
Provide high quality, challenging teaching and set high expectations
Governors will:
Monitor the behaviour of pupils through the Head Teacher’s Report
Meet with pupils
Monitor parent reviews
Ratify policies relating to the well-being and good behaviour of pupils
Support and challenge the headteacher in order to promote good behaviour
This written statement, and the policies that are influenced by it, applies to all pupils and staff inside and outside of school, when acting as ambassadors, when engaged in extra-curricular activities, such as educational trips and visits (residential and non-residential) and when being educated as a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School