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Mrs Everett's Star Award



 Reception - Freya for being a delight! she is always a lovely, friendly positive member.

 Year 1 - Bethany for always working hard and being a responsible helper who Mr Rothwell can rely on.

 Year 2 - Luka  for ALWAYS trying his absolute best and being a fab friend to everyone.
 Year 3 - Evie for being a fantastic role model and always trying her best!

 Year 4 - 

Year 5 -  Mary-Kaitlin for being beautifully calm and trting so hard to be the best you can be.

 Year 6 - Sorcha for always being an amazing student.


Reading Skills Award

Image result for reading clip art

Reception - .

Gautham for his amazing reading. 

Year 1-  Archie for always reading so beautifully and for using great thinking skills to answer questions.
Year 2 - 

Lexie for excellent determination and skill in her recent benchmarking assessment.

Year 3- 


Year 4 -  Anabel for fabulous progress on Reading Plus.
Year 5 -   
Year 6 -  Ollie for making great progress in his reading booster sessions.



Star Writer" Poster by WriterPosts | Redbubble Reception - Dominic for trying so hard in his writing..

Year 1 - Nash for such amazing improvement in handwriting and using bold vocabulary.

Year 2 -  Gerry for trying hard to use finger spaces.

Year 3 - .

Year 4 -Darcie for making such beautiful improvemnets with your handwriting over the past term.

Year 5 -

Year 6  - Eniyaa for writing beautiful poetry.


Science Award

science class - Clip Art Library

Reception  - Lehat for his excellent knowledge of plants.

Year 1 -Raphael for showing such interest and care for our butterflies.

Year 2 - Noah for showing a great understanding of the importance of trees in our environment.

Year 3 -

Year 4 - .Mitchell always being curious and inquisitive...

Year 5 - .

Year 6 - Cayden for his excellent science knowledge and vocab.


Maths Award

Math Clipart Images - Free Download on FreepikReception - Annabelle for gaining confidence in maths.

Year 1 - Zoe for amazing arithmetic results.

Year 2 - Arahhana for showing super understanding of data, statistics and tally charts.

Year 3 - ..

Year 4  - Jack for your excellent reasoning skills across our fractions and decimals unit..

Year 5 - 

Year 6  -Angel for showing excellent reasoning and calculation understanding.







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