Governors' Welcome
We recognise that all of our school community make a positive contribution to our school and we value and welcome that support. School Governors are volunteers who attend meetings and work to further the school’s development. They attend full governing body meetings each term, together with being a member of particular specialist committees, details of which you can find on our governors’ page. Together with the Headteacher, they set the future direction for the school and decide how the school’s budget should be spent. Governing bodies make decisions collectively on matters such as finance, performance targets, school policies and the school’s improvement. They respond to Ofsted recommendations and provide the Headteacher with support and advice. School governors help the Headteacher to decide school policy for the management of the school.
All the Governors, both current and those who have served during the past twelve months, have formally declared any pecuniary, relationship, business or financial interests they may have that are relevant to their position as governors of our school. This information is collated at the start of each committee or full governing body meeting and declared annually and held on a register.
A message from Our Chair of Governors Mr C Degenhart
Contact details - Mr Degenhart -
On behalf of the governors of Sacred Heart school, I am very pleased to welcome all parents and their children who make up our school community which we can rightly refer to as our school family. Parents who are thinking of bringing their children to the school as new pupils in the future will be assured of a happy and safe environment that will be an excellent foundation for the growth of faith and love in their children.
Under the talented leadership of our headteacher, we have an excellent staff who work together so well, not just as a team but as a happy family community that helps the children to develop to their full potential. The emphasis, of course, is on the teaching and example of Jesus Christ who is at the centre of our Catholic school life. The school is very much involved in the life of the parish of the Sacred Heart and, together with their parents, the children are prepared for the Sacraments within the parish community.
We have a very committed Governing Body whose members are drawn from the parish and who work hard to lead, support and strengthen the school in its mission as a Catholic school within the parish community.
All-in-all, we have every right to be proud of Sacred Heart school.