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Welcome to Science at Sacred Heart!

At Sacred Heart, children are able to discover, explore and investugate the world around them. Children experience science through trips, hands-on investigations and cross curricular links to enhance and deepen their understanding of topics. Pupils in Key Stage 1 learn about plants, animals and habitats, everyday materials and seasonal changes. In Key Stage 2, they develop upon and learn about rocks, states of matter, electricity, light, living things and their habitats, sound, forces, Earth and space, animals including humans and evolution and inheritance.


Sacred Heart's Science Subject Leader

Mrs Zeqiraj has led science since 2020.


Sacred Heart's Science Ambassadors

Say hello to our Science Ambassadors Noah and Alfie.

Click the pictures below to view their videos and find out why they are so passionate about their subject.

AlfieScience Ambassadors 2NoahScience Ambassadors 2    


Our Subject Ambassador Fayre

Before applying to be a Science Ambassador, children explored the Science stall and took a leaflet informing them of their responsibilities.

Science Club

In Science Club, we investigate, discover and explore using a range of apparatus.

The Skittles Experiment: investing dissolving

Circuits, Helicopters, Alarms: investigating simple circuits.

Floating pictures: investigating how dry erase markers react with water molecules?

Using the Seek App: we explored the variety of animals and plants we have within our local and school grounds using the classifcation settings on the 'Seek' app.

Irreversible Changes: creating cloud dough using cornflour and conditioner.

Useful links for Science:

Try out these fun home experiments and investigations from the "why? and how?" website.


Children will be familiar with 'explorify' in school. Create a free account at home and explore the website's excellent activities.


Try these interactive videos and games on BBC Bitesize to help support children's science understanding at home.

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