Our Virtual Tour
Take a look at all the amazing things we get up to here at Sacred Heart.
Pilgrims of Hope 2025
As a school community, we are embracing Pope Francis' call to be pilgrims of hope in 2025, striving to live out his message of faith, love, and care for one another and the world. Through acts of service, prayer, and reflection, we are journeying together to build a stronger sense of unity and compassion. Our curriculum and initiatives, such as daily collective worships, rucksacks of hope, class pledges and a new climate action plan, reflect our commitment to being a source of hope and light, guided by the teachings of Christ. By fostering kindness, stewardship, and courage in our daily lives, we aim to inspire hope within our school and beyond.
What have YOU done today to make you feel proud?
During collective worship, we shared the story of Jesus healing a man’s paralysed hand, showing his bravery in doing good despite opposition. The children were encouraged to follow his example and reflect on the fantastic things they do every day that make them proud. We ended with a video highlighting the incredible ways they make a difference in our school community every single day.
Our children make us proud every day!
Attendance Matters
Reminder that if your child is ill or absent for a
ny other reason, you must phone the school office absence line on 01925 636 235 and press 1 to record your message by 9am EACH DAY of the absence. If your child has a medical appointment please let us know and be prepared to show us the appt letter/text in the office.
Attendance for this week:
Reception- 91.6%
Year 1- 97.2%
Year 2- 93.7%
Year 3- 95.9%
Year 4- 97.1%
Year 5- 90.6%
Year 6- 93.5%
TOTAL- 94.1%